Circumstances Under Which Workers Compensation is Taxable For many citizens, tax season may feel like harvest time for the government. If you are living on workers’ compensation benefits, any amount of money you lose because of tax returns can have a significant impact. Let’s look at how the government determines whether or not workers’ compensation […]
Posted in : UncategorizedEstate Planning For Small Business Owners Estate planning is important for everyone. It is what allows for an individual to make decisions regarding what should happen if they become incapacitated, and how their assets are to be distributed after they pass away. However, while for the average individual estate planning is important, for a small […]
Posted in : UncategorizedWhy You Need to Write a Will Unless your financial situation resembles Scrooge McDuck jumping into a mountain of gold coins, you probably think you don’t need a Will. But as a skilled estate lawyer Phoenix AZ relies on can explain that is not true! Here are 7 reasons why you need to write a […]
Posted in : Last Will and Testament in ArizonaWhat is Estate Planning in Arizona | An Explanation of Estate Planning Some people have questions of what is estate planning Arizona. To start, let’s break our discussion into two parts; specifically what is an “estate” and what is the “planning” component to estate planning in Arizona. An estate is simply a legal term for […]
Posted in : Estate Planning LawsEstate Plan Attorney Fees in Arizona Estate Plan Attorney Fees in Arizona | What is in an Estate Plan To understand how much an estate plan will cost, we first need to determine what estate planning documents are needed in your particular situation. Most estate plans include an Inter Vivos Family Trust, a Last Will […]
Posted in : Estate Planning Laws