What is an Elder Law Attorney
A general overview of what an elder law attorney is speaks within the title itself; however what an elder law attorney focuses his or her practice on legal needs for seniors leaves more to the imagination.
An elder law attorney Arlington TX trusts will generally focus their practice on serving the legal needs of Seniors and represent Seniors where a lot of other Attorney’s may not understand the different capacity concerns that come with handling elderly estates or legal concerns.
Contacting an attorney has huge benefits mainly because this Attorney specializes within the Community to advocate for Seniors. The attorneys have an advantage than a normal general practice attorney because they have a much larger networking and or referrals pertaining to caseworkers, management, and resources because this is their specific area of Law. The majority of elder law attorney’s have a higher level of compassion, patience, and understanding because they are more familiar with representing the Elderly within their communities.
What is an Elder Law Attorney | Checklist for Executors in a Probate
Although attorneys have a generalized practice when it comes to representing seniors; some of the different fields of elder law consist of the following:
- Preservation or transfer of assets seeking to avoid spousal impoverishment when a spouse enters a nursing home
- Medicaid
- Medicare claims and appeals
- Social security and disability claims and appeals
- Supplemental and long-term health insurance issues
- Disability planning, including the use of durable powers of attorney, living trusts, living wills or also known as Directive to Physicians for financial management and health care decisions. This, of course, can include other means of delegating management and/or decision-making to another in case of incompetency or incapacity
- Conservatorships and/or Guardianships
- Estate planning, including planning for the management of one’s estate during life and its disposition on death through the use of trusts, wills, and other Estate planning documents
- Probate with having a valid will, Determination of Heirship within Administration or without Administration (without having a will) or even Litigation involving Estates.
- Administration and management of trusts and estates
- Long-term care placements in nursing home and life care communities
- Nursing home issues including questions about patients’ rights and nursing home quality
- Elder abuse and fraud recovery cases
- Housing issues, including discrimination and home equity conversions
- Age discrimination in employment
- Retirement, including public and private retirement benefits, survivor benefits, and pension benefits
- Health law
- Mental health law
Contact our experienced Arizona Estate Planning Attorneys at (480)947-4339.
If you or a loved one have been the victim of elder abuse, discrimination or neglect, please contact an elder law attorney today.

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