Estate Plan Attorney Fees in Arizona
Estate Plan Attorney Fees in Arizona | What is in an Estate Plan
To understand how much an estate plan will cost, we first need to determine what estate planning documents are needed in your particular situation. Most estate plans include an Inter Vivos Family Trust, a Last Will and Testament, a Memorandum Directing Disposition of Tangible Personal Property, a Letter to Your Representative, a Health Care Powers of Attorney, a Mental Health Care Power of Attorney, a Living Will and Advanced Medical Care Directives, a Durable Financial Powers of Attorney, and a HIPPA Authorization.
These documents can be prepared for a single person or can be created for both a husband and wife at the same time.
Estate Plan Attorney Fees in Arizona | What Does an Estate Plan Cost in Arizona
The cost of an attorney prepared estate plan in Arizona is going to vary from law firm to law firm based upon the experience of the estate planning attorney and the complexity of your estate and your plans for that estate. Some cases also require including a certified financial planner and tax expert if the size of the estate is over the federal exemption amount.
Another consideration that affects the cost of an estate plan in Arizona is whether you include, or choose not to include a Inter Vivos Family Trust. In many simple estate plans, you simply do not need a Family Trust and you should not be paying to have one created.
Our Arizona estate planning attorneys charge $3,000.00 for a complete estate plan for an individual estate plan. If the person does not need a Family Trust, that cost decreases to only $1,500.00. Our Arizona estate planning attorneys charge $4,000.00 for an entire estate plan for both a husband and wife. That cost decreases to $3,000.00 if a Family Trust is not required.
These costs will increase, however, if you own a business and need a Business Succession Plan drafted to deal with the continued operation and transfer or sale of that business.
Call one of our experienced Arizona estate planning attorneys for a free consultation at (480)947-4339 today regarding your estate planning needs.
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Arizona Estate Planning Attorneys, PC As Seen in the News.