Scottsdale Family Trust Lawyer

When you’re dealing with the writing of documents such as wills and family trusts, you might find yourself asking whether or not you should you hire a Scottsdale family trust lawyer. A family trust is meant for the purpose of establishing long-term management of your assets for the benefit of your family according to your wishes and directives in the trust. They are created to avoid probate, and to keep your financial privacy intact and your assets managed in case you become incapacitated or after you’ve passed away. If you would like to learn more about a family trust, contact one of our family trust lawyers Scottsdale, AZ clients trust.

Should you hire a Scottsdale family trust lawyer? It depends on your financial capacity to do so, as well as your needs when it comes to drawing up a trust, but ultimately, it is highly recommended that you seek the aid of an attorney if you want to create a trust or living will. Our estate planning attorneys have experience in this practice and have helped many individuals make sure their assets are protected and taken care of in the situation that they cannot safeguard them on their own. A Scottsdale family trust lawyer from our firm can help ensure that your trust documents are drafted exactly to your wishes.

Living Trusts: the Essentials

What goes into a living trust? You should place all of your assets into a trust unless certain assets contain beneficiary designations in which case those designations will control who gets those assets. You, as the Settlor of the family trust, should maintain control over the trust during your lifetime.

Who the Trustee? The Trustee is the person who manages the assets within the trust and should be you during your lifetime. However, you will need to appoint a Trustee (or multiple Trustees) to take control of the management of the trust upon your death or incapacitation.

Who will the beneficiaries of the family trust? The decision who you award your assets to in a family trust is entirely your decision, subject to certain laws that provide protection to your spouse if you are married.

Once the living trust has been drafted and all of the necessary information is included, it should be signed before a notary. In order for the trust to be effective, a standard transfer document or deed should be used in order for the property to be transferred into the trust.

Why Should I Hire Scottsdale Family Trust Lawyer?

If the process is that simple, why should you look into hiring a Scottsdale family trust lawyer? As we often see at our firm, it is possible to do research on trusts to a certain extent, but after you’ve come to understand the basics, having an attorney address the possible complications can be an enormous weight off of you. Whether it’s your particular family or financial situation that is complex and has unique needs, a trust attorney can serve you by navigating what you can and cannot do. Our attorneys are also experienced in helping clients avoid errors in drafting wills and trusts, which is crucial when it comes to something as important as managing your assets and property after you’ve passed away.

Work With Us

Handling wills and trusts is no light matter. When you’re ready to start making these important considerations that will affect your family, be sure you get in touch with a family trust lawyer in Scottsdale who knows how to help. Our years of experience and client recommendations speak for themselves; we can put you on the right track with your family trust. Give us a call today at (480) 947-4339 to schedule your free consultation with a Scottsdale family trust lawyer.